Cake training redefined

Cake training redefined.....'Advance'

It is a popular saying that it is wrong (to state it mildly) to use the same method over and over and
expect a different result. Also,the best way to get optimal result is to have a combination of 2 or
more approaches. Cake training overtime has been 99% practical oriented,both initially when it was
totally offline and recently when online training has been introduced.

Practical approach is no doubt the best way to learn such an Art as Cake making but the advantages
of theoretical approach cannot be overlooked. Take for instance the University system. A medical
student will eventually graduate to treat patients (human beings), but he has to know the theoretical
aspect of the body he is going to be working on.From the physical to the physiological to the
biochemical, even to the psychological aspects of humans .This is necessary because when he
eventually starts practicing, he would at some-point come across cases that were not treated in all
his time in the school. It is the theories he had learnt will help to improvise and find solution to the

This same principle applies to Cake making. The creative and successful bakers are those that don't
just know the procedures, but know also the reason behind the procedures. They know the physics,
chemistry and the mere sentimental reasons. For instances, why are eggs used in cake making? What role do they play and what amount is just enough? Consider also if egg is a raising agent and
baking powder is also a raising agent,why are both used? Consider also the idea of not opening the
oven when you are baking, is it a myth or a fact? Is there a stage where it is not harmful? Is there a
way around it? Ultimately, the knowledge of the history of cake itself helps or gives you a level of
confidence in the cake world.

Here is the main reason why you should enroll in the Advance’  program. Who says that the only thing
you can do with the knowledge of cake making is to make cake for consumers. Do you even know if
there are other career opportunities in the cake world? Come to think of it, do you know how to sell a
cake to a non-interested customer? Why should they buy a cake? Think again, do you even know the
price-value of a cake?

Conclusively, a knowledge acquired without the knowledge of its application amounts to a wasted
investment especially for high-priced investment such as cake training. This program
 'Advance’ is
looking to fine-tune the real concepts of entrepreneurship in the cake world. You are not just an
entrepreneur because you know how to make cakes, you will be an entrepreneur because you know
how to create wealth with your cake making skills.

What is 'Advance’?
'Advance’ is a cake learning redefined. It is a combination of practical and theoretical approaches
which is also a combination of online and offline classes.The theoretical courses are taken online in
form of pdf files and videos, while the practical courses have both online and offline options. The
online option is accessed via live video tutorials, while the offline options would be at designated
centers across the state. There are assessments to be taken after a number of theoretical courses
which qualifies you for the practical. The practical courses are handled by a carefully selected list of
sound trainers in the field.
 'Advance’ covers the basic cake making level and runs for 10 weeks.



  1. Flexible learning program - you can take your courses anywhere, anytime. You don't have to go and stay all day long at a trainer's even when there are no practicals to do. Good for you especially if you are still working for someone;
  2. No distance barrier - consider this in two(2) ways: 1) you get to choose the training center nearest to you from the provided options, or 2) you may choose to go to a particular training center from the provided options. The beauty of the latter is that you may not mind the cost of travelling a long distance if you do it at a reduced rate;
  3. Flexible payment plans - we have designed our payment plan in such a way that it accommodates a wide range of pocket budgets. We however recommend the Premium payment plans for reasons that include but not limited to: Savings up to 28%; opportunity to choose who your tutorial guide should be;
  4. Take your course with you as you go - this is in the case of change of location during the period of the program. Since a bulk of the courses are online and you'll only have to locate a training center in the state you are moving to;
  5. For the extremely technology-compliants - you can have your practicals online. With tools such as Live Videos, Online conference meetings, Webinars, the possibilities are endless. You watch a recorded Video before hand and then go into the Live section, you practice what you've learnt while your guide watches you and puts you through at necessary stages;
  6. A complete-package offer - you are not just coming out as a Cake maker, but as an empowered Cake ambassador.


At the end of your 10 week program, you will be able to:

  • know the history and trends of Cake
  • know the scientific elements of Cakes
  • know the difference between Cake as a piece of food and Cake as a piece of Art
  • bake 5 different types of Cakes well
  • decorate Cakes using Buttercream icing and Fondant icing
  • decide what career path to follow in the verse Cake world
  • not just make Cakes, but be a professional Cake seller.


           NOT CONVINCED YET? BOOK A SALES CALL. Leave us a message on our Contact page, we'll schedule a meeting with you. THANKS